Friday, April 22, 2016

First Chemo Treatment

Jenna had a rough start this week. She was feeling very nausea and couldn't really keep anything down, and couldn't handle the very sight of food.

Yesterday she was scheduled for her first chemo treatment. She didn't know if she was going to be able to have the strength to go ahead with it, but she was very determined to do it. They got there and found she had fluid around her abdomen which was causing all of her pain and nausea. They waited to see if the doctor could drain it and then continue on with her chemo. They drained 2.8 liters about 7 lbs of fluid out of her. Jenna had immediate relief.  She was feeling lots better. 

Then they headed over to the infusion area, where she would be for about 6 hours. (She will be doing the chemo every other week for 6 rounds about 6 hours every time.) That is where I was able to join them for a few hours. When I walked in, it was like walking on an Emirates airplane, in first class. There were warm blankets and the employees walk around with a snack cart. Each person with their own little cubicle. Jenna seemed to be in good spirits when I got there. She was ready for something to eat and Darren was so happy to see her eating.

The nurse would come over every once in a while and give her a new bag of meds and tell her a little bit about it each time.  They said that her chemo could wipe her out for 10 days to 2 weeks at first, but with each round it should get shorter. The nurse also said that anyone who comes to see her needs to wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer. Also, she said that if you have a cold or any kind of sickness, it would probably be best to stay away until you are better. She has a pretty weak immune system so she can't risk getting sick.

I stayed and got to chat with Jenna and Darren and learned some things that I suspected but wasn't certain about. Jenna has stage 4 colon cancer. I was so happy that she was feeling so much better and continued to for the rest of the day.
I loved being able to be there with her and talking to her. Love you Jenna! We are all praying, cheering, and there for you every step of the way!

St. George

After Jenna got her second colonoscopy and her stint in, some of us headed to St. George for Easter/Spring Break. Jenna didn't know if she was going to be able to go because getting the stint in was so hard on her. After a tough week and getting her strength back she made it.

We enjoyed the warmer weather, swimming, the sand dunes and a tiny bit of shopping.

Easter Sunday we hung out with friends we hadn't seen in awhile. We had a yummy Easter dinner and a very fun Easter egg hunt! Jenna didn't feel really great, just okay, while in St. George.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Beginning

On February 29, 2016, Jenna started having really bad abdominal pain, to the point where she couldn’t walk.

On March 1, 2016, we went to the Logan Regional Hospital ER to find out what the pain was from. After a CT scan and ultrasound, a growth was seen on Jenna’s right ovary. They sent her right away to the Huntsman Cancer Center in Salt Lake to see an OB/GYN specialist.

On March 4, 2016, we went to the Huntsman hospital and met with an OB/GYN specialist. After meeting with him, he was looking at the CT scan and noticed something on the colon that didn’t look right, so he set up a colonoscopy. Jenna said that she didn’t really realize that she was going to the the Huntsman Cancer Center until she put the address in her phone to know where they were headed. I think that was when she realized that she had cancer. 

On March 7, 2016, we went to Salt Lake and Jenna had the colonoscopy. A tumor was discovered 13 cm up the colon. About a week later, we went back to the Huntsman to meet with the chemotherapy doctor to discuss treatments.  

On March 15, 2016, the team of doctors at the Huntsman met and came up with the treatment plan. They planned another colonoscopy to put a stint in because the tumor was blocking off the colon. They considered the stint better than surgery to remove the tumor, because surgery could cause infection and push back any other treatment options.

On March 18, 2016, Jenna had the second colonoscopy and got the stint put in. It was a really hard day and made Jenna pretty sick--pretty sucky way to spend our 22 anniversary, but at least i got to be with her.

On March 31, 2016, we went back to the Huntsman for a PET scan and to have Jenna’s port put in.

April 21, 2016 got the results of the pet scan, had fluid removed from abdomin and received her first chemo infusion.
