Thursday, July 28, 2016

Round 7

Today marks the day that Jenna would normally go in for treatment. She isn't because she is taking a break to go to the Preston, ID rodeo.  I will post a little something on her blog now since I have been so slow on posting round 7. Sorry about that!
This time around, my Mom got to come and see how it all works for Jenna. Kenzie got to come too! We found out that Jenna's type of cancer has genetic risk factors. While I was there, Jenna gave me a pamphlet and told me to call the genetic testing lady. The genetic risk factors Jenna has are linked to cancer in females, so the girls in the family are highly encouraged to get tested once they hit 20. My sister and I will be getting tested in about a month or two. If we have that gene, we will talk about any additional precautions we need to take in the future.
During the treatment, Jenna took a little nap, which she never done while I have been there. Jenna was really antsy to leave that day. I don't think she was feeling very well. She hasn't ever acted like that with her previous treatments. I think it is because the chemo seems to be hitting her faster and her car rides home seem extra long. On a good note: her doctor is very happy with how things are going! He told her she looks too good to be there. Jenna is SO so happy to have an extra week off from her treatments!!

On a later note: Jenna went to lunch with some of her friends from high school. I think she really enjoyed being able to catch up with them!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Round 6

Today Jenna went in for her regular treatment. She visited with all of her favorite nurses. Today, she found out that one of her nurses is a roller derby player. I think she and Darren were a little surprised by that.

There isn't really an news other than she will be doing one more treatment on July 14th and then she will be taking a 3 week break. During her break, she's going to attend the Famous Preston Rodeo! Then she will have her last treatment with the regular 4 drugs that she gets. After that, they are going to change it up a bit. She will be getting off the oxaliplatin for sure because it makes her fingers numb and that can become permanent if she continues to take it. So they will do without that--and maybe the 5FU--and take some kind of pill in place of that one. This is all just what the tentative plan is right now, but we will see when the time comes.

We discussed about upcoming plans, and our cousin Lance came and brought lunch for Darren and Jenna and chatted until Jenna finished.